Are you looking for rural property? Does owner financing seem like a good option for you? 300w" sizes="(max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px" width="350" height="263">My name is Don Busby, I’m a realtor with Crossroads Realty. I specialize in rural and recreational properties that can be purchased with easy owner financing. I love what I do, and I’m very passionate about making your experience the best it can be. Many people dream of owning land, and I want to help make that dream a reality. I’ve been in the land business for more than nine years and in the financing business for more than 20 years. My office is in the Halls area of Knoxville, but most days are spent exploring land in the valleys and mountains of East and Middle Tennessee. My wife and four kids are involved in the business and are a great help. We homeschool our children, so they often get to work (hike in the woods) with Dad. We live on ten acres that we purchased using owner financing, and while I can’t say we are totally self-sufficient, we are working towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle. We’ve raised chickens, ducks, rabbits, and a few other creatures. We love the outdoors, and we love Tennessee. We think you will too.